
建筑构件内瞬态热湿分析中的多层求解方法 被引量:2

Method for Solving Transient Heat and Moisture Transfer in Multilayered Building Elements
摘要  提出了一种求解一维多层建筑构件内瞬态耦合传热传质问题的有限差分逼近方法.求解过程中认为构件的内外表面处的热湿传递为瞬态过程,并考虑了多层墙体每一层物性参数的非连续性,从而避免了通常处理中边界条件设定为常数给计算带来的误差.利用该方法对典型的三层墙体层与层界面处相对湿度在24小时内的变化进行了计算,计算结果与文[6]的传递函数求解方法符合很好,可推广应用到对二维和三维耦合传热传湿问题的求解. Finite\|difference method is proposed for the first time for solving the transient heat and moisture transfer problems in 1\|D multilayered building elements.Transient boundary conditions are specified for both heat and moisture transfer at external surfaces, while constant values are assumed for material properties of each layer of the structure and the discontinuity of material properties for each layer is considered.The calculations for a typical three\|layer wall are conducted to obtain the dynamic distributions of the relative humidity at the interfaces of every layer during 24 hours by use of the mentioned method,and the results agree with those of the transfer function method which is empolyed in reference[6].The method can be extended to 2\|D and 3\|D coupled heat and moisture transfer problems.
出处 《计算物理》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期345-350,共6页 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
关键词 建筑构件 多层求解方法 瞬态热湿分析 相对湿度 多孔介质 耦合传热传湿 有限差分逼近方法 porous media coupled heat and moisture transfer relative humidity multilayer
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