从发展的观点介绍了对智能化小区这一新生概念的理解 ,概括地说明了其与智能建筑、智能大厦的关系 ;总结了我国现阶段智能化小区所实现的一般功能 ,较详细地介绍了一般智能化小区的系统结构 ,归纳了智能化小区设计的依据、流程。
Introduces the understanding about the new conceptofintelligentized community and generally explains the relations of the intelligentized community,intelligentarchitecture and intelligentbuilding in the developmentview;Both the functions of in- telligentized community today in china and the general system structure are summed up in this article.On the basis of them,the article generalizes the principle,process,demand and general method of designing intelligentized community.
Modern Electronics Technique