目的 观察流体静力牙合垫治疗颞下颌关节紊乱病的效果。方法 选择 5例常规方法治疗效果不明显的颞下颌关节紊乱病患者 ,先用流体静力牙合垫辅助建立下颌肌位 ,再制作硬树脂牙合垫保持该位置。结果 患者戴流体静力牙合垫一周 ,大多数症状缓解或消失 ,治疗后随访 1年 ,疗效稳定。结论 流体静力牙合垫可能是一种诊断与治疗颞下颌关节紊乱病的有效辅助装置 。
Objective New approach to treatment of temporomandibular disorder.Method Five patients with TMD,all of whom previously had been treated unsuccessfully,wore a new type appliance of hydrostatic splint that permits occlusal and skull-mandible relationship to be self-established automatically.The muscle-directed mandibular placement was maintained to prevent symptom recurrence by another rigid occlusal splint.Result About one week wearing of the hydrostatic appliance, most symptoms improved or resolved,no symptoms recurred in one year.Conclusion The hydrostatic splint may be valuable for diagnosis and treatment of patients with TMD.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology