南宁地区具有丰富的养蜂资源 ,目前开发利用率不足 2 0 %。采取活框技术养殖意大利蜜蜂 (意蜂 )的产量高、质量好、经济效益显著 ,市场前景广阔 ,存在问题是规模小、技术落后、产品缺乏市场竞争力。应加强养蜂管理机构建设 ,大力推广活框养蜂技术 ,提高产蜜量和产品质量 ,建立蜂产品加工基地 ,抓好蜂产品流通 ,使养蜂业尽快成为本地区新的经济增长点。
Nanning prefecture is rich in the resources of bee raising , but less than 20% of which has being exploited up to now. With high yielding and quality of honey, the raising Italian bee with the techniques of mobile honeycomb would be benefited economically. Because of small scale and backward in technology, at present raising Italian bee, is lack of competitive capacity. In order to make raising bee a new economic increasing point, it's important to strengthen management construction of raising bee, to extend the mobile honeycomb technology, to raise yield and quality of bee products, to set up the base of honey processing and to promote circulation of the products.
Guangxi Agricultural Sciences