

A study on US Dollar,US Treasury Bonds and Sino-US Relations
摘要 美元的国际霸主地位靠的是美国强大的经济实力和军事实力以及科技创新能力,还有无所不用其极的外交手段。特朗普上台以来推出的"美国优先""脱群"和反全球化等举措,其实是自毁美元国际霸主地位的做法,与美国这个金融帝国的运行模式是相悖的。2018年,中美关系风云突变,从战略上看是一场严肃的政治斗争,贸易摩擦只是其中一个方面;从战术上看,这是一场看不见硝烟的金融战争。经过半年多的较量,中国经济仍然保持稳健运行,虽然存在一些困难,但未能撼动经济基本面。美国已从战略上把中国作为最大的挑战者、竞争对手,已经摆开了全方位向我国发难的架势。这不仅会影响中美关系的大局,而且可能改变世界政治、经济的总体格局。我们确实处于一个重大的历史关口,必须认真应对。一是要坚定不移地走自己的路,踏踏实实办好自己的事;二是要对美积极开展有理有利有节的斗争;三是在国际上要永远与广大发展中国家站在一起。 The international hegemony of the US dollar depends on the strong economic and military strength,the ability of scientific and technological innovation,as w ell as all kinds of diplomatic means of the United States. Since Trump came to pow er,the measures such as 'America First','detachment'and'anti-globalization'have actually destroyed the international hegemony of the US dollar and been contrary to the operation mode of the US financial empire. In 2018,China-US relations changed dramatically. Strategically,it w as a serious political struggle in w hich trade friction w as only one aspect;tactically,it w as an invisible financial w ar. After struggle of more than half a year,China’s economy is still running steadily,although there are some difficulties,economic fundamentals have not been shaken.The United States has strategically regarded China as the biggest challenger and competitor,and has put on a full-scale embarrassment to China. This w ill not only affect the overall situation of Sino-US relations,but also change the overall pattern of w orld politics and economy. We are indeed at a major historical juncture and must seriously deal w ith it. Firstly,w e should unsw ervingly follow our ow n path and do our ow n business steadily;secondly,w e should actively carry out a rational,beneficial and restrained struggle against the United States;and thirdly,w e should alw ays stand w ith developing countries in the international arena.
作者 李德水 Li Deshui
出处 《全球化》 2019年第2期24-31,134,共9页 Globalization
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