

The Zen Method in Northern Dynasty and The Zen Master Buddhabhadra in Shao-lin Temple
摘要 中国禅宗与禅法自六祖慧能之后正式形成,五家七宗更是臻于鼎盛,这离不开东来的菩提达摩,之后的慧可、僧璨、道信、弘忍等传承,对中国传统哲学和文化都产生了巨大影响。再向前追溯源流,禅也离不开印度早期哲学与宗教影响。早期印度宗教学派虽然复杂,但是其要义和问题主要是:一曰业报轮回,二曰解脱之道,三曰人我问题。跋陀禅师从印度带来的佛法关注重点还是在"解脱之道"上,这些禅观的修持法门也是到达"解脱之道"彼岸的具体修持方法。佛教自两汉传入中国,随着西域高僧们陆续来到中原传法,如禅师跋陀等,他们把原始印度大小乘禅法:"安般念"、"四念处"与"五停心"等具体修行法门也随之带入中原,受到汉地佛教第子们的仰慕和学习,大力推动了南北朝时期禅学的盛行。 Chinese Zen and Zen Buddhism were formally formed after the master Hui-neng of the sixthPatriarchs.The five branches and seven sects ofZenreached their peak,which cannot be separated from Bodhi dharma from the east.The inheritance of the master Hui-ke,Seng-can,Dao-xin,and Hong-renetc had a great influence on Chinese traditional philosophy and culture.To trace its origins back to the past,Zen cannot be separated from the influence of early Indian philosophy and religion.Although the early Indian religious school was complicated,its essence and problems were mainly three aspects:the first one was the cycle of karma;the second was the way of liberation,and the third was the question of the humanity and myself.The buddhist of Bhadra brought the Buddha from India are still focused on the'path of liberation'.These practices are also the specific method to reach the'path of liberation'.Buddhism was introduced into China since the Han dynasty,accompanied by the western monk who continueS to enter the center of China.They put the mainly theravadabuddhist law in the original Indian into the central China(the mainly theravadabuddhist law is that:'the method of breath adjustment';'four methods of the observation about the world and the self'and'five methods of stopping distractions of thinking').These methods of meditation are admired and learned by the students in China Buddhism,and vigorously promote the Zen prevails in thenorthern and southern dynasties.
作者 吴小丽 WU Xiaoli(Institute of Yangming Doctrine and Research on Guizhou,Guiyang Universyty,Guiyang Guizhou 550005)
出处 《兴义民族师范学院学报》 2019年第1期30-35,共6页 Journal of Minzu Normal University of Xingyi
关键词 禅法 少林寺 跋陀 Zen the Shao-lin temple Buddhabhadra








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