
联合应用缬沙坦和胺碘酮治疗阵发性房颤的临床效果观察 被引量:3

Clinical efficacy of valsartan combined with amiodarone in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
摘要 目的 :观察联合应用缬沙坦和胺碘酮治疗阵发性房颤的临床效果。方法 :对125例阵发性房颤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,将其分为实验组(n=63)和对照组(n=62),为两组患者使用胺碘酮进行治疗,为实验组患者在使用胺碘酮的基础上加用缬沙坦进行治疗,并对比分析两组患者房颤的复发率及左房内径。结果 :在进行治疗的第18个月,对照组患者的左房内径显著大于实验组患者,差异显著(P<0.O5),有统计学意义。与对照组患者相比,实验组患者房颤的复发率较低,差异显著,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 :联合应用缬沙坦和胺碘酮治疗阵发性房颤的效果确切,可显著改善患者左心房增大的情况,降低其房颤的复发率,此法值得在临床上推广应用。 Objective The effect of valsartan combined with amiodarone therapy to maintain sinus rhythm of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods 125 patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation were randomly divided into experimental group(n = 63), control group(n = 62), and two groups of patients treated amiodarone, but the experimental group increased to be treaed valsartan 80 mg every day;The treatment duration is 18 months. AF recurrence rate between the two groups, comparing values before and after the treatment of left atrial diameter of 18 months.Results The relapse rates of atrial fibrillation in the experimental group is 11 cases, yet 23 cases in the control group, the experimental group had lower relapse rates than the control group(P<0.05). After 18 months of treatment control group, left atrial diameter was significantly larger than the experimental group(P<O.05).Conclusion The treatment with valsartan combined with amiodarone can reduce the increase of left atrial diameter, and reduce the relapse rates of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
出处 《当代医药论丛》 2015年第14期276-278,共3页
关键词 房颤 缬沙坦 胺碘酮 效果 Cardiology Atrial fibrillation valsartan amiodarone
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