Two new species of the genus Chelonus are recorded. Also the species Ch. decorus is first recorded in China. All type specimens are kept in college of life science, Shaanxi Normal University. Chelonus curvinervius sp. nov. (Fig.1). The new species is similar to Ch.annulatus Nees 1813, but can be distinguished from the latter by the following characters: hind coxa regulated;r1 longer than r2 and cuqu 2, r3 4 times long r2,stigma equal length of Radial cell;cheek 1/3 long of longer diameter of eye;color of leg difference.Type material. Holotype ♀,Longxian ,Shaanxi, 19900814, by He Jianping. Paratypys. 6♀♀, 3♂♂,19900814, by He Jianping and She Jianjun;1♀,Meixian,Shaanxi, 19900829,by She Jianjun.Chelonus bicolorus sp. nov. (Fig.2)The new species is near to Ch. sochii Tobias 1982, however, different by the combination of the following features: Apical part of carapace black in female;Antennae 22 joints,basal 10 joints yellow;stigma brown without red margin;carapace flat not fold to inferior.Type material. Holotype ♀,Liuba ,Shaanxi, 19900822, by She Jianjun; Paratypys. 1♂,Liuba,Shaanxi, 19900823, by He Jianping. Chelonus decorus Marshall 1885; Chelonus decorus Marshall,1885 Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1885:128; Chelonus decorus Fahringer 1934 Opusc. Bracon.3:481; Chelonus decorus Telenga 1941 Fauna SSSR 5(3):273; Chelonus decorus Shenefelt 1973 Hymenopterarum Catalogue 10(6):849; Is new record to China.Material examined:2♀♀,Liuba ,Shaanxi, 19900822, by He Jianping; 1♀,1♂Liuba,Shaanxi, 19900823, by He Jianping and She Jianjun.
Journal of Shaanxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition