为提高COMAS烘丝机烘后叶丝膨胀效果 ,对影响叶丝膨胀效果的有关工艺参数进行了测试分析。结果表明 :①改变切丝宽度可影响叶丝填充值。高档烟叶丝宽度为 0 .95mm时填充值最高 ;低档烟叶丝宽度为 1.2 0mm时填充值最高。②叶丝填充值随加料后叶片含水率的增大而增大 ,随烘前叶丝温度的增加而增加。③在设备能力范围内 ,叶丝填充值随物料流量的增大而间接增大。④在烘前叶丝含水率和温度一定的情况下 ,增加烘丝机筒壁温度并与适宜的热风温度及热风风速相配合 ,有利于提高烘后叶丝质量。
In order to increase the expansion ratio of cut lamina dried by COMAS drier, processing parameters influencing the expansion ratio were tested. The result showed that 1) the filling value of the cut lamina was affected by its width, the optimal width was 0.95mm for premium cigarettes and 1.20mm for economic ones; 2) the filling value of the cut lamina was increased with the increase of the moisture content of cased lamina and the temperature of cut lamina while entering the drier; 3) the filling value of the cut lamina was increased with the increase of its flow rate within the capability of drier; and 4) for cut lamina with defined moisture content and temperature before drying, its quality could be improved by higher wall temperature combined with right temperature and flow rate of hot air inside the drier.
Tobacco Science & Technology