主要介绍了我们正在进行的“虚拟装配支持系统”(Virtual Assem bly Support System,VASS)开发计划中面向多方案工艺规划部分的最新进展。这一计划的目的在于开发出一套能够直接或间接地支持产品装配设计、装配工艺规划等工作的软件系统。本文主要论述了这一工作的理论基础。首先 ,对于目前在装配建模方面的研究做了简介 ;然后 ,着力阐述了应用于 VASS系统中面向多方案工艺规划部分的装配信息建模方法与基于规则的推理方法 ;最后 ,对
This paper describes the recent development of the subsystem of multi-solution planning in the Virtual Assembly Support System (VASS) project at Tsinghua University. This project's goal is to develop an assembly planning system which can assist designer directly or indirectly in product assembly planning, product designing and redesigning. First, we review the current research on assembly modeling simply; then, describe the assembly information modeling approach in the project and rule-based assembly process planning approach used in the subsystem. Finally, the architecture of the subsystem of VASS is introduced.
Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering