介绍了工业电焊烟尘的产生原理及特点 ,重点论述了风幕集烟尘风机在治理工业焊烟中的理论研究 ,论证了利用“短路流场”控制烟尘理论的可行性和先进性。讨论了造成“短路流场”的风幕集烟尘风机的结构及集烟尘原理。该项技术经对各种型式样机的研制和多次烟尘试验及大量测试分析 ,从理论上建立了“短路流场”数学模型 ,实际烟尘试验验证了其良好的集烟尘效果。为适应现场状况 ,提出了烟尘净化综合处理系统方案。
The present paper has introduced the generating principle and characteristics of industrial weld fume in hoping to strengthen the environment protection in the modern industrial production and improve the air purge quality so as to prevent the diffusion and pollution of such weld fume. The author has also provided a theoretic study on the ways to control such fumes by using a wind-screening and soot-catching ventilator developed by the present author. The feasibility and advantages of the theory lies in that it proves feasible to control the weld fume by using a 'short-circuit flow field' brought forth also by the present author. The author has also improved the structure and soot-catching mechanism of the ventilator that helps to create the 'short-circuit flow field'. Based on quite a few researches done in the correlative fields, the trial making of various types of model machines, the support of plentiful results of fume experiments as well as a great deal of testing and analysis practice, the author has established some mathematical models for the 'short-circuit flow fields' theoretically, and the soot-catching effect is proved to be effective through actual fume experiments. To adapt the ventilator to the actual conditions, an integrated processing scheme of fume purge has also been brought forward in the paper. The trial-made wind-screening soot-catching ventilator has already passed provincial scientific research fruit identification recently, and it is listed as one of the technological achievements in Liaoning Province.
Journal of Safety and Environment
environmental engineering
wind-curtain soot-catching ventilator
controlling weld fume
integrated soot-removing system