初步研究了铁屑微电解法处理光致抗蚀剂废水 ;对废水 pH值、曝气、铁屑和活性炭的用量等作了单因素影响试验。正交试验结果表明 :当铁屑投加量 5 0 0g/L ,活性碳投加量 5 0 g/L ,废水 pH值 2 0 ,反应时间 60min时 ,CODCr去除率达 42 %。
The photoresists containing wastewater in the electronic industry by the iron chips micro electrolysis was studied The influence of the four parameters (wastewater pH,aeration,iron chips and actived carbon quality)are investigated under the static condition by single paramater test The orthogonal experiment showed that the removal rate of COD was about 42%, when pH was 2 0,iron chips dosage was 50 0g/L,activated carbon dosage was 5 0g/L,reaction time was 60 min
Sichuan Environment