从硅衬底RF集成电路中平面螺旋电感的品质因子Q的表达式出发 ,采用ADS软件模拟计算了平面螺旋集成电感L值与品质因子Q值 .通过两组电感Q值的对比 ,发现品质因子Q随着电感圈数的增加而减小 .以电感值为 3 2 8nH的设计为例 ,将电感圈数从 2增加到 6 ,计算得到的品质因子Q从 4 3(@1 1GHz)降低到 2 7(@1 4GHz) ,模拟计算结果与理论分析相吻合 .
With the quality factor(Q)'s expression of p lanar inductor on Si-based RF IC's,inductors' value and quality factor are simulated and computed using Aglient software ADS.With the comparison of two group inductors,the impact of increasing turns on quality factor is attained,the quality factor decreases with the increasing turns of inductor.Taking the inductor with value of 3.28nH for example,the turns go up from 2 to 6,while its Q decreases from 4.3(@1.1GHz) to 2.7(@1.4GHz).At the same time,simulations are done using ADS according to theoretical analysis.All conclusion and analysis are usef ul for the planar inductor,and will be one of guide lines of the design of the p lanar inductor.
国家重点基础研究发展规划 (No .G19990 3310 5)
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :6 9876 0 126 99754 0 9)
上海应用材料研究与发展基金 (No.0 10 3)资助项目~~
RF integrated circuits
planar inductor
number of inductor
quality factor