本文从三方面展开论述。 1 .普世伦理的建构是时代的课题 ,其目的是重构物序人伦 ,挽救伦理失衡、道德堕落的时代 ,伊斯兰伦理有丰富的思想 ,可以为普世伦理提供思想资源 ,二者构成“共性”与“殊性”的关系 ;2 .普世伦理与伊斯兰伦理 ,既相契合又相区别 ,于契合处发掘后者对前者的贡献 ,于区别处彰显后者的独特个性 ;3 .探讨普世伦理与伊斯兰伦理的关系 ,必须对伊斯兰伦理报有客观公正的态度 。
The discussions in this article is threefold. Firstly, one of the task of the epoch is to construct the Universal Ethics whose aims are to reestablish the law of nature and the ethics as to rescue the ethics from disequilibria and moral degeneration. With ample thoughts, Islamic Ethics serves as a resource of the Universal Ethics. Thus, the Universal Ethics and the Islamic Ethics contain both commonness and individuality. Secondly, there exist resemblance and discrepancy between the Universal Ethics and the Islamic Ethics. The similarities demonstrate the contribution of the former to the latter, and the differences manifest the latter's characteristics. Finally, taking a just and objective attitude is essential to explore the relationship between the Islamic Ethics and the Universal Ethics otherwise, it will contradict the original intention of the Universal Ethics.
Qinghai Journal of Ethnology