The Woxi gold-antimony-tungsten deposit in west Hunan is a well-known rge-sized omposite ore deposit. This paper describes geological setting of the ore district, deals in etail with characteristics of fold structure in this area, and ascertains the existence of the ianebaodan box plunging anticline. The folds in the ore district are divided into four grades, nd folds of different grades are considered to have been superimposed on each other in ifferent phases of structural movement. It is pointed out that folds played such ore-ontrolling roles as multiperiodic activity, multi-grade, equidistance and location in this ore eposit. The basic principle of dynamic mineralization of fold structure is tentatively iscussed and, on such a basis, the ore-forming mechanism of this deposit is analysed. It is hought that the pulsating superimposition and compounding of folds of various phases and rades ntensified the dynamic mineralization of fold structure and eventually led to the formation of he Woxi ore d posit and its spatial distribution framework.
Mineral Deposits