我国古代传统道德文化中的“以民为本”、“为吏之道必洁正直”、“和为贵”、“重义轻利”、“诚实守信”以及法德并举等思想 ,内涵丰富 ,蕴含着伦理道德的哲理智慧 ,有批判地继承这一宝贵遗产 ,吸取其精华 ,古为今用 ,对我们今天正确处理人民内部矛盾 ,化解纠纷 ,加强社会主义精神文明建设 ,维护社会稳定 ,仍具有一定的指导意义。
The traditional morality and culture in ancient China include the philosophies such as people is the center in terms of everything;being an officer,one must be clean and upright;friendliness stands first;the sense of brotherly obligation is considered more important than benefit;be honest and keep words etc, which are rich in connotation and shining with philosophical wisdom of ethic and morality.They are of certain guiding significance to us to inherit critically this valuable heritage,assimilate the essence of it and make the past serve the present so that it can help us deal properly with disputes,improve the building of socialist culture and ethics and maintain social stability.
Journal of Guangxi Public Security Management Cadres Institute