道家与道教的问题 ,单独论述的文章则多见 ,合论的则少见。从近年来所看的文章及所见的事实 ,有人在使用这两概念时 ,或处理宗教和迷信的事务时 ,未能分清这两者的联系与区别 ,从这两者产生的时间、思想渊源、天道观、与儒家的联系、经书及教主等五个方面分析和论述这两者的联系和区别 ,目的是使今后我们处理这两个问题时 ,有一个粗略的分界线。
Articles are often seen to expound views on either of the Taoist school or the Taoist religion. But arlicles on both topics are seldom seen.The writer found from the recently-read articles and facts that the connections and differences of the two can't be well distinguished when the two concepts are used and when affairs relating to religion and superstition are dealt with. Thus the writer,from the following five aspects,states the connections and differences between the two in order to make us clear the rough line of demarcation between the two when we come to face such subject. The five aspects are:birth time of the two;origin of the thought; the natural law; connections with the Confucianist; classic works and the founder of the religion.
Journal of Guangxi Public Security Management Cadres Institute