在社会主义市场经济条件下 ,密切警民关系在于 :坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨 ;树立群众观点 ,培养对人民群众的真挚感情 ;提高民警的政治素质和业务素质 ;依法治警 ,勤政为民 ;改革公安体制 ,提高工作效率。
Under the conditions of socialist economy,closing the relationship between the police and the people covers sticking to the purpose of serving the people heart and soul,developing the ideas of becoming one with the mass and fostering sincere attitude to the people, enhancing the police political and professional qualities,governing the police force in accordance with laws and working hard for the people,and reforming the public security institution to increase the working efficiency.
Journal of Guangxi Public Security Management Cadres Institute