2002 TCDC Training Workshop on Small Hydro Power
1ENROLMENT INFORMATION 2003 TCDC Training Course on Small Hydro Power(小电子)[J].Small Hydro Power News,2003,20(71):12-12.
2ChenShengshui.Speech at the closing ceremony of 2002 TCDC SHP Training Workshop[J].Small Hydro Power News,2002,19(70):4-4.
3ENROLMENT INFDRMATION 2003 TCDC Training Course on Small Hydro Power[J].Small Hydro Power News,2002,19(70):17-17.
4D.Pan.China's International Cooperation on SHP Strengthened[J].Small Hydro Power News,2004,21(78):9-10.
5HRC‘’‘’s Annual Report for 2002[J].Small Hydro Power News,2003,20(71):7-11.
6ChengXialei.Speech at the closing ceremony of 2004 TCDC Training Workshop on SHP Equipment[J].Small Hydro Power News,2004,21(78):11-11.
7ENROLMENT INFORMATION 2002 TCDC Training Course on Small Hydro Power[J].Small Hydro Power News,2002,19(67):10-10.
8DanteOperario,BienvenidoDonila.Country presentation——Republic of the Philippines(2004 TCDC Training Workshop on SHP Equipment Hangzhou, China)[J].Small Hydro Power News,2004,21(78):13-19.
9ENROLMENT INFORMATION 2002 TCDC Training Course on Small Hydro Power[J].Small Hydro Power News,2002,19(68):8-8.
10ZhuXiaozhang.Speech at the closing ceremony of 2004 TCDC Training Workshop on SHP Equipment[J].Small Hydro Power News,2004,21(78):12-12.