In view of the fact that the floor of roadways lying in deep soft strata heaves up to 0.3~0.5 m per year con-tinuously over 30 years, the creep strain simulation testwith similarity materials, consisting of mainly bentonite,to study the mechanism of floor heaving and its control.The regularity of the creepege of , and the stress distribu-tion in the rock surrounding the roadway, the procedureand pettern of the floor rupture are cleared from tests.Method of reinforcing the floor by drilling, loosening andthen grouting the floor rock, was also studied throughmodelling. The result shows that the reinforcement caneffectively prevent the floor from heaving and ruptureand reduce the sidewalls displacement. Test in situ showsthat the method is practically feasible. Reinforecment byfloor bolting shows the similar effect.
Ground Pressure and Strata Control