企业公关危机的成因很多 ,但主要有 :企业自身、突发事件、宣传报道。应对之策是 :当企业“平安无事”时 ,应居安思危 ,作好充分准备 ;当有危机“苗头”时 ,应防患于未然 ,把危机消灭在萌芽状态 ;当“大祸临头”时 ,应沉着迎战 ,努力把危害减少到最小程度 ,并力争把“坏事”变成“好事”。
Many factors lead to public relations crisis of enterprises ,including one's own reason and unexpected events. Enterprises should think of danger in terms of safety and manage to make ample preparations. Enterprises should take preventive measures and eliminate crisis in the embryonic stage when they see what is going on. When disaster is imminent ,enterprises should attack it calmly and actively and do all one can to turn bad things into good things.
Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Social Science Edition