Traditional Chinese handwriting models and rubbed stone inscriptions are two major schools in the history of Chinese calligraphy. The school of rubbed stone inscriptions came of age in the Qing Dynasty and seemed gradually to take over the place of handwriting models. Fierce disputes took place as to which school made more contribution to the fame and prestige of Chinese calligraphy. Kang Youwei, a renowned late Qing intellectualcumcalligrapher, for one, disdained the school of handwriting models by arguing that its styles and features went from bad to worse, lacking vigor and boldness, after the peak achievement in Tang and Song Dynasties. What Kang attempted to do was to promote overzealously the school of rubbed stone inscriptions of the Six Dynasties. One of the main factors conducive to the decline of Chinese handwriting models was the sharp departure from the quintessence of calligraphy. Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi were of the two exemplary figures. Both handwriting models and rubbed stone inscriptions belong to two distinctly different aesthetic categories. It does not help to extol one school and denigrate the other in studying the history of calligraphic art. It is more fitting to place them in the context of aesthetic value and appraise each in the proper perspective, thereby helping elevate the form of modern calligraphy.
Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Edition)