原苏联等社会主义国家是在还不具备马克思恩格斯所设想的理想的条件下进行社会主义制度建设的,这就出现了一种极为特殊的社会主义体制,我们可以称之为落后 理想体制。这一体制有其内在的矛盾性。邓小平在总结这一体制特征的基础上,结合中国实际形成了他的社会主义本质论。
Some socialist countries like the former Soviet Union began to conduct their socialist systems even though they could not meet the ideal condition that Marx and Engels had outlined. A special socialist system has occurred as a result. This system of socialism might be defined as the backwardideal system. The system has its inherent contradictoriness. Deng Xiaoping has structured his ontological theory of socialism on the basis of combining the Chinese reality with the particular characteristics of such a political system.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences