作者在整理本校生物系标本室蝗虫标本时,发现异爪蝗属1新种,现记述如下。模式标本保存于东北师范大学生物系。大兴安岭异爪蝗Euchorthippus dahinganlingensis,新种(图1-6) 雄 体型中等。头较大,短于前胸背板。头顶前缘近直角,颜面隆起全长具纵沟。
In this paper a new species of the genus Euchorthippus Tarb. is described. The types are deposited in the Biology Department, Northeast Normal University.Euchorthippus dahinganlingensis Zhang et Ren, sp. nov.(Figs 1-6)This new species is similar to Euchorthippus herbaceus Zhang et Jin, but differs in: 1) the medina area of elytrum of the new species is slightly larger than the cubital area in the same direct line; 2) the lateral keels at prozona are almost paralle; 3) only the upper kneelobes of hind femur is black; 4) the upper lamella is not longer than the lower lamella; 5) the epiphallus is different in shape.Holotype (?) , allotype (?) , paratypes 2 (?) (?) , Mangui (Dahinganling, Heilong jiang Prov.), 2-Ⅷ-1984, collected by Zhang Fengling.
Orthoptera, Oedipodidae, Euchorthippus, new species.