作者之一姚渭,1981年在其硕士研究生学位论文《中国蝉科分类的初步研究》89—92页(图50,图版XV:6-9)记载有新属周氏蝉属Chouia Yao,以纪念导师周尧教授,并记述了3新种,1新组合种,论文散发50余册,但未正式发表。 贺锦川1984年以同一类群建立拟红眼蝉属Paratalainga He,记述有2新种:P.reticulata He(=C.pulchra Yao),P.fusipenis He(=C.liuzhiensis Yao).论文正式发表在上海《昆虫学研究集刊》上,因此贺的属名和种名是有效的。
The genus Paratalainga was established by He Jin-chuan in 1984, based on the type species P. reticulata He and P. fucipennis He. However, the description was based only on a male from Guangxi and a female from Hainan, China. He did not list the male genitalic characters of the genus, and some characters given related to individual characters, not characters relevant to the genus. It is obvious that the simple description of outer morphological characters can no longer meet the need to differentiate Paratalainga from related genera. Following examination of the type specimens and additional specimens from provinces Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Hunan, especially of male genitalia. characters of the genus have been reassessed in the present research and three new species and a new combination are given. So far, 6 species haee been found all distributed within the Oriental region. Type specimens are deposited in the Entomological Museum of the Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China.Generic Characters: Male genitalia showing distinct asymmetry, the letf being more developed than the right; uncus rather slender, the base with a ball-shaped projection, theca tube-shaped; tympanal coverings small and lateral; tympanal orifices exposed; tegmina opaque, nodal lines distinct and the venation densely reticulate; wings opaque, the claval areas wide.Type species: Paratalainga reticulata He.Distribution: Oriental Region.This genus is similar to Talainga Distant, 1890, but differs from the latter as follows: (1) male genitalia distinctly asymmetrical, the left more developmed than the right; (2) tegmina with venation densely reticulate.Key to Species of the Genus Paratalainga1. Wing with a large white spot at centre of costal margin 2Wing without a large white spot at centre of costal margin 42. Pronotum with two spots at centre P. guizhouensisPronotum with four spots at centre 33. Postclypeus with a longitudinal sulcus at centre; base of uncus projecting in a long cone…P.fumosa Postclypeus not showing a longitudinal sulcus at centre; uncus not as above P. reticulata4. Head with 2-4 spots at vertex 5Head without spots; wings with about basal two-thirds whitish green P. yunnanensis5. Head with 4 spots at centre of vertex; wings with about basal two thirds orange ……… P. fucipennisHead with 2 spots at centre of vertex; wings with about basal two thirds white with orange stripes p. distanti1. Paratalainga reticulata He(Fig.l)Paratalainga reticulata He, 1984, Contr. Shanghai Inst. Ent. 4: 221-228.This species resembles P. fumosa sp. n., but inner piece of pronotum with lateral spots, claval areas of wings milk-white and base projecting of uncus cone-shaped.Distribution: China (Guangxi)2. paratalainga fucipennis HeParatalainga fucipennis He, 1984, Contr. Shanghai Inst. Ent. 4:221-228. Distribution: China (Hainan Province)3. Paratalainga fumosa Chou et Lei, sp. nov. (Fig.2)Similar to P. reticulata He, but postclypeus with a longitudinal sulcus at centre, claval areas of wings mostly brown, base projecting of uncus developed and shaped like a long cone.Body length ((?) ) 37.1mm; tegmen length/width 34.0/13.0; wing length/width 22.0/11.0Holotype: (?), Yunnan Province, 22-Ⅳ-1979, No. 041. 4. Parataliainga guizhouensis Chou et Lei, sp. nov. (Fig.3)Similar to P.fumosa sp. nov., but pronotum only with two spots at centre and anal areas of wings white.Body length ((?)) 27.5 mm; tegmen length/width 35.07 12.3; wing length/width 23.0 /10.1Holotype: (?), Guizhou Province, 3-Ⅵ-1980, coll Zhou Jingrong, No.71.5. Paratalainga yunnanensis Chou et Lei, sp. nov. (Fig.4)Similar to P. fucipennis He, but head without spots:wings with about basal two-thirds whitish green, and the spots of mesonotum different.Body length ((?)) 31.9 mm; tegmen length/width 29.8/10.2; wing length/width 19.4/8.2Holotype: (?) , Mengsong, Yunnan Province, 24-Ⅳ-1958. Paratype: (?) , Gengma-furong, Yunnan Province, 4-Ⅴ-1980, Li Qiaosheng.6. Paratalainga distanti (Jacobi), comb. nov.Similar to P. fucipennis He, but body larger, with a broad yellow transvers
Homoptera, Cicadidae, Paratalainga, taxonomy, China, Oriental Region.