片古蛉属Truljalia隶属于蟋蟀科Gryllidae突额吉蛉亚科Podoscirtnae,此属是俄罗斯的Gorochov 1985年以分布于我国广东的柑桔吉岭Calyptotrypus citri Bey-Bienko 1956为模式种建立的,并将我国的梨吉蛉Madasumma hibinonis Matsumura和分布于东南亚一带的Calyptotrypus属的3个种移至此属,同时指出Calyptotrypus for-ceos Saussure分类地位不明确,但可能也属于此属。我们对现有的这一属标本进行了分类研究,确认Calyptotrypus forceps Saussure应属于Truljalia属,并鉴定出3新种,1中国新记录种,现报道于后。新种模式标本保存于中国农业科学院植物保护研究所标本馆。
In this paper, three new species and one new record of the genus Truljalia from China are described. All the type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science.1.Truljalia bispinosa, sp. n. (Fig.1)General shape and colouration as in T. hofmanni (Saussure), but larger and with very different male genitalia: ectoparameres with two spines on the inferior margin and with round and flat end.Holotype: , Medog, Xizang, 1150m, 7-VI-1983, Han Yiheng. Paratypes: 2 , Baibung, Medog, Xizang, 850m, 24-YI -1983; 1 , 800-900m, 13-VI -1983, Han Yiheng.2.Truljalia tylacantha, sp. n. (Fig.2)Similar to T. hibinonis (Matsumura) in external characters, but their male genitalia rather different. The new species with the end of guide rod round, ectoparameres tumescent, with sharp spiny end.Holotype: , Xinchang, Zhejiang, 18-Ⅷ-1981. Allotype., paratypes:2 , Mt. Huang, Anhui, 7-Ⅶ-1983, Liu Ren.3.Truljalia prolongata, sp. n. (Fig.3)Similar to T. hibinonis (Matsumura) too, but can be distinguished from the latter by its male genitalia: the end of guide rod with smaller triangular process and ectoparameres slender, S-shaped.Holotype: , Tianchi, Jianfengling, Hainan, 14-XI -1982, Chen Zhenyao. Paratypes: 1 , Nonggang, Longzhou, Guangxi, 19-V-1985, Li Weihua and Zhang Jinghong; 1 , Jianfengling, Hainan, 4-VI-1981, Liu Yuanfu; 1 , Bo'ai, Funing, Yunnan, at Lights, 3-V -1979, Zhou Yongtao.4.Truljalia hofmanni (Saussure), new to China (Fig. 4)1 , Damenglong, Xishuangbana, Yunnan, 13-IV-1985, Wang Shuyong; 1 , 22-IV-1958, Zhang Yiran; 1 , Mengsong, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, 24-IV-1958, Zheng Leyi; 1, Mengzhe, Menghai, Yunnan, Li Fasheng; This species is recorded for the first time in China.
Gryllidae, Podoscirtinae, Truljalia, New species, New records, China.