笔者1984年在广东深圳郊区采得竹链蚧属一新种,现描述如下。 深圳竹链蚧Bambusaspis shenzhenensis新种(图1—15) 雌成虫:虫体近圆形或卵圆形,淡黄色,两侧不对称且常扭曲,直径约0.8—1.0mm,尾端具小突起。触角退化成圆形小突起,着生长刚毛2根及小毛3根。缘8字腺单列,最末一个8字腺位于尾端小突起基部附近体缘。
Bambusaspis shenzhenensis sp. nov.(figs. 1-15)Body of the adult female, pale yellow, nearly circular, about diameter 0,8-1.0mm.This new species is quite similar to Bambusaspis coronatum Green. However, they differ distinctly from each other: the maginal guingelocular pores of the former arrange irregularly in double rows and its ventral multilocular pores being 8 peripheric ones, dispersed close to the vaginal orifice only, whereas the maginal guingelocular pores of the latter arrange in single row, and larger guingelocular pores take the place of the ventral multilocular pores.Host: Bambusa stenostachya Hack .Holotype , paratypes 10, Aug. 26., 1984, Shenzhen, Kwangtung, China. Collected by the author.Type specimens are kept in the Commercial College of Ma'anshan, Anhui Province
Acta Entomologica Sinica