毛盾圆蝇属Lasiopelta Malloch,1928是个小属,迄今仅发现于东洋区。笔者在整理采自贵州的蝇类标本中,发现该属一新种。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。斑翅毛盾圆蝇Lasiopelta maculipennis新种 雄 体长5mm。头底色黄,仅后头上部蓝黑色。眼具极疏微毛,几乎裸。额颇宽,头顶部约为一眼宽。间额暗红,具极薄的灰黄色粉被。额三角粉被金黄,细长,前段狭如线,
In this paper a new species of Lasiopelta collected from Guizhou, China is described and! figured. The type specimen is kept in the author's laboratory.Lasiopelta maculipennis sp. nov. (figs. 1-4)Closely related to L. longicornis (Stein, 1915), but the new species with rather strong ocellars, third antennal segment not reaching forernargin of epistoma, about 3.6 times as long as the second, longest rays only equal to width of third antennal segment; wing with a large dark brownish suffused spot on apical third, vein m1+2 curved clearly backward, halter deep yellow; mid femur with a fine but long pv seta at base, ts with 1 p and a row of pd on apical half, ts with 1 ad, 5 av and 1 hair-like pd in middle; abdomen lacking of pollen, cliscall bristles of tergites absent, marginal bristles only occurring on 5th tergite.Holotype . Kuankuoshui, Shuiyang, Guizhou, Aug.31, 1986, collected by Wei Lian-meng
Acta Entomologica Sinica