

摘要 本文报道了中国金小蜂科一新属新种。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。 縯金小蜂属Drailea Huang新属 属名由Ardilea Graham颠倒字母形成,阴性。 唇基下端2齿;口上沟清晰。无后头脊。颚眼沟清晰而直。触式11263;触角着生于颜面中部略偏下;棒节微毛区窄,伸达第一棒节基部;乳状突未端有一刺突; Drailea gen. nov. Lower margin of clypeus with two symmeric denticles. Occiput not margined. Malar sulcus distinct. Antennal formula 11263. Antennae inserted below middle of face but above ventralD,.ailea gen.nov.Lower ma:gto of olyp心not marglne。· with11263.two erie de e 5.Antennae inserted belddleof face but aboveventral352edge ofes:elaval with mieroPilos立y extending to baoe of王irst claval scg cnt,terminal elava segment with a sPine:eaeh funieular and elava[segment with one row of sensillae. Pronotum with distinct eollar,anterior margin of eollar with sharP earina.Notauli eom-Plete,but ouPerfieial Posteriorly.Anterior margin of axilla eurved forward,distanee betw。。 two axillae shorter.Seutellum strongly eonvex,frenal groove distinct.ProPodeum with·。harP anJeomPlete median earina and Plieae,median area wi山long retieulations.PrePeetu、coneav。,w针hotlt obl石que ear三na pooteriorly.Fore wing with basal eell entirely hairy;speculum redueedto a narrow band behind the Parastigma;posrmarginal vein longer than marginal vein. Potiole loner than broad,wlah a transverso earina antoriorly whieh extending baekwa:Jlaterally.Posterior margin of first tergite of gaster entire:seeond as long as following tergite:together‘ TyPe sPeeies:Drailea are,a,a Huang,sP.nov. The generie name derived from tlle reeombination of the letters ofilea Graham;fom卜nine gender. The genus 15 mueh elose七0 Meris邢us Walker and rd loa Grahanl.All themw h eollarcarina and post,z:az·ginal voill luJ,gL.l tl一a,,主王〕argl:,。1.Dz‘z了了:一“di工f、,。ff。」」:万:,,介脚澎。;:J璧:了户了‘】口in elypouo wllh two:y,的morrie dontieles.Ex。。pt for rhio poinr,Droilead ffers fronl‘ Jil‘“i:,elava with mieropilo、:ty。、ten(l ing to base off一rst elaval soglllont and wi,ha:hort oPln。,刀roil。‘、al、0 difforof:o,,l f。,· in foro wing witl、b。。、几!coll ontir魂·!y hai:y and oPeculum rodu。。d. D〕·ai介aa矛·15之a亡a Huang,sp.novv。 Folxj江l。:L。,1矜:I,2.2:;,l飞,.11。比d,,,,。、‘,、。;,,。。、、de‘,10101)i:cker‘、·、t,gtbe‘。kw;:l:b“w;、rofl《、c lon、:。nton,、:e fzl、e,z。tx109tgr。)wxl,。xeopr onx:z。 laek gr。。n:winor、witl,hoirsf、1、eus,v,i,、testaCeollS. Hoad in frontalv ew(fig.l)1,l一1.15 time::5 bro。(1:5 high;di、tanee from:orul ;1、。-dian oeellus longer rhan:hat of lower margin of elyPeus;elypeal ourfaee wirhout disrin以punc-tuation,nearly、mooth;11ead in literal view 1.7 rimes as high as long, genae round posteriorly:head in dorsal viowZ imes 05 broad as long:telnple two:hlrds as long as length of ey。;POInearly equal to OOL:oeeiPut eoneave forward.Antenna(fig.2)with seaPe 1.15 rimes as longa。helght of oy。,reaehing medlan oeellus:pedieellusZ aimes as long as broad,equal to eonlb nodIongth of anelli and first funieuaar seg;nent;firor 0 fourth ftlnieulars monrs longer tl]anbroad;fifth and oix,h a little ohorter thon broad;elava 3 tinles as long as broad,equal to com-bined length of last 3.5一4加nieular segments. pronotal。011:r(fig.3)、horte:in middle,bohind eorina with weak punetua:ion,snl。。tl,po-steriorly.Meooseutum(fig.3)1.4~~1.5 rimesa,broad as long;、e、:rollum shorer than middleIength of mesoseutum.Dorsellum almost smooth,somewllat shortor than frenum.ProPodoum withsP三raeular sulous brnod;。。111、、wi:h hairo lon and oP:rso.Foro win withP。、t,:。arginolvoin 1.1一1.2三rimos as long as marginal:m:rginal veinZ一2.1imos as long。、stign:。1. Petiole 1.5一1.7:imes as Iong as broad,two thirds as long 05 length of proPodoum in rllid-dle.Gaster a little shorter than mesosorn。,1.刁一·1.5七imes ao long as broad. Male:Unknown. Host: Unknown. HolotyPe,Paratypel,Emei Mt.,Siehuan,SeP.1963(Liao Ding-xi).
作者 黄大卫
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第3期350-352,共3页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
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