
中国类拜萨蜂科二新属新种记述(膜翅目:泥蜂总科) 被引量:3

摘要 类拜萨蜂科(Baissodidae)是生存于中生代晚期的一个化石绝灭科,为苏联昆虫化石分类学者Rasnitsyn(1975)创立。根据这个科创立者的意见,类拜萨蜂科隶属于膜翅目(Hymenoptera)针尾部(Aculeata)总科位置未定(Rasnitsyn,1975)。最近,他把这个科视为泥蜂总科(sphecoidea)的一个科,并认为与泥蜂科(sphecidae)近缘。 The present paper described two new genera and two new species belonging to the family Baissodidae, Sphecoidea of Hymenoptera. All the type specimens were collected by the author, and are kept in the Shandong Provincial Museum. 1.Eubaissodes gen. nov.Type species: Eubaissodes completus sp. nov.Diagnosis. Head large. Eyes large. Mandibles rather strong and long. Labrum lingui-form. Female antennae 12-segmented. Pronotum well developed, mesonotum and metanotum with sutural grooves also well developed, propodeonis scutum large, pentagonal. Front wings with cross-vein 1r-rs incomplete, and neither parallel to cross-vein 2r-rs nor to vein Rs + M. Cell 3r wide and short, with apex sharp. Cell 2rm nearly as long as cell 3rm. Crossvein 1m-cu far from fork of vein Rs + M, and meeting cell 2rm at middle. Cross-vein 2m-cu meeting cell 3rm. Cross-vein cu-a meeting fork of vein M + CuA. Hind wings with cross-vein cu-a meeting fork of vein M + CuA. Legs short and massive, tibiae armed with a couple of long spurs, tarsi with the first segment thin and long. Claws rather long, forcating terminally, and its inner edges serrate. Petiole short and stout, trapezoid. Gaster subcircular, apex of abdomen truncate, and sting curved, cylindrical.Comparison: This new genus is related to Baissodes Rasnitsyn, a genus from the late Mesozoic of Trans Baikal, Russia, but may be separated from the latter by the rather large head, rather strong and long mandibles, in front wing the cross-vein Ir-rs not parallel to vein Rs+M, cell 2rm as long as cell 3rm. cross-vein 1m-cu far from fork of vein Rs + M, and in hind wing cross-vein cu-a meeting fork of vein M+CuA.Distrbution: Shandong, China; Late Jurassic.Eubalssodes completus sp.nov. (PI. I I; fig 1}Holotype: No. L88701. Head circular, about as long (excluding mandiblen) as wide. Eyes oval, srparual from each other Ocelli lying near posterior margin of head, arranged in a triangle. Mandibles falcate, with apex rather sharp, widened at base, and about one half the length of head. Antennae with torulus small, more than one half as long as body, with scape short, about as long as the third segment, pedicel rather small, circular, flagellum filiform, segments each equal in length, oblong, three or four times as long as wide. Pronotum transverse, with lateral parts running to tegulae, both mesonotum and metanotum transverse, and identical in length, propodeonis scutum wider than long, marked with irregular sutural grooves. Wing venation as shown in fig. 1d. Legs lighter in color than body, femora nearly as long as tibiae, the former as wide as terminal part of the latter, tarsi 1.5 times as long as tibiae, with the first segment slightly shorter than tibiae, about twice as long as the second, the latter longer than the third, the fifth shorter than the third but longer than the fourth. Claws longer than the fifth rarsal segment. Spurs of posterior tibiae nearly one-third the length of the first tarsal segment. Abdomen (including petiole) longer than thorax, and as wide as the latter. Petiole wider than long. Gaster at most w ith three segments distinguishable, the first segment obviously longer than the second and the third. Apex of abdomen light in color, with sting obtuse at apex.Body 10.1 mm long, 2.7 mm wide; front wing 6.7 mm long, 2.5 mm wide; hind wing 4.6 mm long, 1.4 mm wide.Locality and horizon: Nanligezhuang of Laiyang County, Shandong Province; Laiyang Formation (Upper Jurassic).2.Calobaissodes gen. nov.Type species: Calobaissodes strigosus sp. nov.Diagnosis. Eyes kidney-shaped. Mandibles thin and long. Front wings with cross-vein Ir-re rather long, and parallel to cross-vein 2r-rs. Cell 3r narrow and long, apex sharp. Cell 3rm distinctly longer than cell 2rm. Both cells 1r and 2r rather narrow and long. Cross-vein 1m-cu meeting fork of vein Rs + M. Cross-vein 2m-cu meeting cell 3rm. Cross-vein cu-a meeting vein M + CuA before fork of it. Hind wings with cross-vein cu-a far from fork of vein M + CuA, and meeting vein CuA. Vein M short. Claws simple, its inner edge without denti-cles. Petiole cylind
作者 张俊峰
机构地区 山东省博物馆
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第4期483-489,共7页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金
  • 相关文献


  • 1张俊峰,山东地质,1985年,1卷,2期,23页
  • 2洪友崇,地层古生物论文集.11,1984年











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