
湖北省散白蚁属三新种(等翅目:鼻白蚁科) 被引量:2

摘要 本文首次报道湖北省散白蚁属三新种。这三新种和广泛分布于我国东南地区的Reticulitermes flaviceps(Oshima)和东北地区的R.speratus(Kolbe)两常见种均较近缘。从形态特征上可看出它们和两常见种在华中地区演化的过渡性状。通过湖北标本和河南省科学院王治国先生惠赠大量河南标本的初步鉴定,R.flaviceps和R.spe- In the present paper, three new species of the genus Reticulitermes from Hubei Province are described. Their comparisons with close species are given in the fo llowing description.Reticulitermes lii is named in honor of Prof. LI Zhen-gang, who consecrated to the cause of Entomology and laying foundation of termitology from Hubei Province.Ail measurements are in millimeters. All the type specimens are kept in the Guangdong Entomological Institute and a part of the paratype specimens are separately deposited in the Wuhan Institute of Termite Control and Yicheng Institute of Termite Control1.Reticulitermes Hi Ping et Huang sp. nov. (figs. 1-9, tables 1-2) This new species is closely related R. flaviceps(Oshima) and R. speratus (Ko-1be).From R. flaviceps by soldier: 1. lateral sides of head parallel, vs. sides weakly convex; 2. tip of labrum majority obtuse, vs. taperingly rounded; 3.left mandible more curved at tip, vs. slightly curved; 4. length of left mandible 0.95-1.02, vs. 1.07.By imago: 1. femora and tibiae grey yellow, vs. femora dark brown and tibiae light yellow brown; 2. frontal area convex, vs. slightly concave; 3. ocelli oval, vs. subcircular; 4. ocelli sperated from the eyes by almost their short diameter., vs. by half their diameter. From R, speratus by 1. pronolal median area of soldier with about 30 bristles, vs. less than 10 bristles; 2. postmentum of imago grey yellow, vs. brown blackish.Type locality: Chibi, Puqi City, Hubei Prov,(29.8 °N, 113.6°E) Soldiers (ho-lotype and paratypes), imagines(morphotype and paramorphotypes) plus workers from type series(I.No.E 10057). Collected by Huang B. Y. et al. May 16, 1988 in tree (Cinnamomum camphora).2. Reticulitermes longigulus Ping et Li sp. nov. (figs. 10-18,tables 3-4)This new species is compared with R. fulvimarginalis Wang et Li from Henan Prov. and R. flaviceps (Oshima).From R. fulvimarginalis by soldier: 1. length of postmeritum 1.33 - 1.42(1.38), vs. 0.975 - 1.04(1.006): 2. length of head to lateral base of mandibles 1.82-1.91 (1.88), vs 1.62-1.674(1.64); 3. width of pronotum 0.79-0.84(0.81), vs. 0.715-0.78(0.746). By imago: 1. pronotum grey yellow, vs. margins brown yellow distinctly darker than the disc; 2. femora brown blackish, vs. light yellow: 3. body larger in size. From R. flaviceps by'soldier; 1. head longer, head width index 0.56 - 0.59, vs. shorter, 0.597- 0.71; 2.pronotal median area with 10 - 20 bristles vs. 20 - 30 bristles, vs. 20- 30 bristles.Type locality: Aimen Guan; Macheng City, Hubei Prov.(31.2°N, 115.4°E) Soldiers (holotype and paratypes), imagines (morphotype and paramorphotypes) plus workers from type series(1. No. E 10343). Collected by Li et Ping, Oct. 20. 1988 in stump (Pinus dabeshanensis).3. Reticulitermes cymbidii Ping et.Xu sp. nov. (figs. 19 - 27, tables 5 -6) This new species is compared with R. flaviceps (Oshima) and R. longigulus Ping et Li, sp. nov.From R. flaviceps by soldier: 1. lateral sides of head parallel, vs. sides weakly convex;2. labrum without para-terminal hairs, vs. with para-terminal hairs; 3. left mandible more curved at tip, vs. slightly curved; 4. length of left mandible 0.97 -1.02, vs. 1.07 By imago for the postmentum brown blackish, vs. yellow brownishFrom JR. longigulus by soldier: 1. frontal hump moderately raised, vs. disinct raised;. 2. pronotal median area with about 30 bristles, vs. 10 - 20 bristles; 3; right mandible with two basal crenulations on inner margin, vs. with a minute too-thlike projection. By imago for the frontal area concave, vs. plane.Type locality: Wyjiashan, Yingshan County, Hubei Prov. (31.0°N, 115.8°E). Soldier(holotype and paratypes), imagines (morphotype and paramorphotypes) plus workers from type series(1.No. E 10288). Collected by Ping et Li, Oct. 14, 1988 under root(Cymbidium faberi).
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第4期461-469,共9页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金
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