The systematical study on acarology in China began from 1950s. In 1963 the 1st National Conference of Acarology was hold in Changchun, Jilin,China. Up to new the 5th one was convened yet. 4 volumes of Economic InsectFauna of China related to Acari have been published: there are Ixodoidea (TengKuofan, 1978); Gamasina (Pan Zongwen & Teng Kuofan, 1980); Tetranychoidea(Wang Huifu, 1981); and Ixodidae (Teng Kuofan & Jiang Zai-jie, 1991). Thepublication of some monographs on acarology, 'Names and terms of Acarina'(Special Committee of Acarology, The Entomological Society of China, 1982 ) and'Researches of Acarology in China'(Chen Xingbao & Ma Enpei, 1992) acceleratedtraining for qualified scientists and international academic exchanges. In this pa-per the current status of medical acarology (ticks, gamasid mites, chigger mites,follicular mites, dust mites etc.), agricultural acarology (spider mites, phytoseiidmites, eriophyoid mites, mushroom mites etc.) and soil mites (oribatid mites)are introduced respectively.
Entomological Knowledge