Among 300 odd species of vegetable insect pests, there are about40 important species. In general, 15%-30% loss of vegetable production is cau-sed by the damage of insect pests per year.In the 1950s to mid-1970s, the techniques of insect pest control were develo-ped from primeval methods to the simple use of chemical insecticides. Since mid-1970s,the integrated control of vegetable insect pests (or IPM) and the productionof pollution-free vegetables on large scale have been developed rapidly.The investigation and prediction of insect pests, which are the basis of IPM,have been standardized and have played important roles.The principal strategies of integrated control of vegetable insect pests arethat, on the viewpoints of ecology, economics and society we should harmonizethe application of some necessary measures: agricultural and physical control asfoundation, rational use of insecticides, substitute of broad spectral insecticidesby selective chemical or microbial insecticides, protection and utilization of natu-ral enemies, etc.Consequently significant benefits of economics. ecology and society have beenobtianed. Infestation of insect pests has effectively been controlled under the ec-onomic injury threshold (EIT) and vegetable yield has increased. Amount of in-secticides were below the level allowed by nation and internation. These are veryfavorable to the estabilishment of less-pollution or non-pollution vegetable ecosy-stem and to the protection of environment.
Entomological Knowledge