地下水中溶液化学作用对溶质迁移的影响日渐引起人们的关注 ,特别是发生于固 -液表面的吸附作用 ,对溶质迁移的影响具有非常重要的作用。关于吸附机理的解释很多 ,其中表面络合吸附是近年来解释吸附作用比较成功的假说之一。本文建立了一个基于表面络合吸附作用的地球化学模式 ,并将其与传统的对流 -弥散模型相耦合 ,建立了一个能够考虑表面络合吸附影响的溶质迁移模型。通过与已发表的某著名算例的结果进行的对比分析 ,与前人结果吻合较好 。
The influence of solution chemical action in groundwater on solute migration has attracted increasing public attention, especially adsorption action occurring on surface of solid phase and liquid phase, which has play a great role in solute migration. There are various interpretations on adsorption mechanism, in which surface complexion is one of successful hypothesis. This paper first establishes a geochemical model based on surface complexion and then coupled it with traditional advection dispersion model to constitute a solute migration model, which can deal with surface complexion action. The simulated results fit very well with those obtained by the precursors, as compared with a published famous example, which indicates that the model set up by this paper is successful.
Radiation Protection Bulletin
中国辐射防护研究院 ( CIRP)与日本原子力研究所 ( JEARI)的国际合作项目基金 ( 0 73 0 3 9645 )