建立了毛细管区带电泳测定中药复方四物汤及其配伍组方中有效成分川芎嗪和阿魏酸含量的分析方法,并对配伍规律进行了初步的探索。采用50mmol/L硼酸钠溶液(pH9 00)为缓冲溶液,在电压20kV、检测波长212nm和内标为对羟基苯甲酸(p HBA)的条件下,四物汤及其配伍组方中川芎嗪和阿魏酸在24min内获得良好的分离。定量分析表明,川芎嗪和阿魏酸的相对峰面积Y(即待测组分与内标的峰面积之比Ai/As)和各自的质量浓度X(mg/L)之间呈良好的线性关系,相关系数分别为0 9997和0 9967。上述两种组分的平均回收率依次为98 2%和100 1%。此外,还讨论了缓冲溶液的浓度、pH值、电压对有效成分迁移的影响。方法简单、灵敏、快速。
A method based on capillary zone electrophoresis was developed for the determina tion of ligustrazin and ferulic acid in Si-wu-tang and its related preparation s. The two analytes were successfully separated within 24 min in a uncoated fuse d silica capillary with a 50 mmol/L borax-NaOH buffer solution (pH 900) u nder 20 kV. The effects of voltage, concentration and pH value of the running bu ffer on the separation of the analytes were also examined to acquire the optimu m conditions. The response was linear over working range with detection limits ( S/N=3) of 1675×10-4 g/L for ligustrazin (LIG) and 3279×10 -4 g/L for ferulic acid (FA). This proposed method demonstrated good rep roducibility with RSDs of less than 4% for both migration time and the relative peak area (n=6). It has been successfully applied to the actual samples, and satisfactory results were achieved.
Chinese Journal of Chromatography