建立了气相色谱法同时测定糙米中二甲戊灵、丙草胺等6种农药残留量的方法。采用BP225大口径毛细管柱和氮磷检测器,外标法定量。样品加标回收率为80 4%~103 0%,相对标准偏差为2 9%~10 2%。各种农药的最低检出限分别为:戊草丹、二甲戊灵0 01mg/kg;丙草胺、氟酰胺、灭锈胺与苯噻酰草胺0 02mg/kg。该方法操作简便、快速、灵敏、准确,适于批量样品的测定。
The establishment of a gas chromatographic method for the simultaneous determina tion of the residues of six benzenoid and amide pesticides (esprocarb, pendimeth alin, pretilachlor, flutolanil, mepronil and mefenacet) in brown rice is descri bed. A wide bore capillary column (BP225 fused-silica capillary column), and ni trogen-phosphorus detector were employed. External standards were used for quan titative determination. The average recoveries and relative standard deviations of the pesticides were 804%-1030% and 29%-102% respectively. The limits of detection were 001 mg/kg for esprocarb and pendimethalin, and 002 m g/kg for pretilachlor, flutolanil, mepronil and mefenace. The method is simple , fast and accurate for the residue determination of a lot of samples.
Chinese Journal of Chromatography