《诗经》中的《关雎》 ,有很高的艺术价值 ,遣词讲究 ,用字精当 ,使用了句中韵、句末韵等表现手法 ,千锤百炼 ,上口感人 ,具有错落和谐之美 ;诗的意境深邃隽永 ,格调清新自然 ,热情讴歌了广大劳动人民健康向上的美好情怀 ,具有高尚之美 。
Guanju in Shijing is of highly artistic value with excellent and concise words polished again and again and revised many times, the poem is full of medium rhyme and rear rhyme techniques of expression in the sentences, showing the appeal to readers and the beautiful intricacy and harmony. The mood of literary represents profound and lasting genuine core value, and the rhyme scheme is pure and natural, meanwhile it warmly sings the praises of glorious feelings from laborers looking forward to health. Generally, it has the lofty beauty and occupies the significant position in our poetry circles.
Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition)