抗战期间 ,中国政府出于物资援助需求 ,筹划了中印公路日玛线和印藏驮运线。然而 ,由于英国政府对之变化不定的政策以及对西藏噶厦的唆使 ,致使该计划失败。中国政府在抗战中受到了巨大的损失。首次利用英国印度事务部原始档案材料对此过程进行了详细研究 。
For needs of military aids,Chinese government planed the road and camel supply of China to India via Tibet in the period of anti-Japanese war. However, because of protean policy and goads of the British government toward Tibet, this plan was aborted. Chinese government had a great loss. This paper aims to show research it through IOR in details.
Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition)