过对邢小利的为人处世及作品的评述 ,颂扬了作者真实、真诚、直白的语言姿态和富有良知的人格魅力。论证了境界、情怀和人格三者之间相辅相成、互相制动的关系。对知识分子而言 ,要想写好作品 ,必先做好人 ,人格限定着境界和情怀 ,也关涉着作家思想的形成和发展 ;文如其人 ,作家的语言文字展示着作家的情怀、境界和人格。
Through commentary of Xing Xiaoli's conduct in society and his works,great praises have been sung to his true,sincere,blunt language and personality glamour full of intuitive knowledge of conscience.It proves the relations,of realm,feelings,personality that complement and interact each other.As an intellectual,if one wants to write something good,he must try to be a good fellow first.Personality limits the realm and feelings and it concerns the forming and development of writers’thoughts too;the style of the article shows the character of the author, and the spoken and written languages show the writer's feelings,realm and personality.