近年来 ,陕西民办高校发展势头很好 ,其规模、水平、特点都证明民办高等教育具有光明的前景。但是 ,站在全省高教发展的大局 ,根据高教发展的规律 ,从教育同行的角度来看 ,还存在一些重要问题需要解决。本文就学校定位、办学特色和师资队伍等 3个问题进行了客观分析 ,提出了自己的见解 ,以期对正在蓬勃发展中的民办高校有所启示。
In recent years,private universities in Shaanxi are moving ahead very well.It has been proved that there is a bright future based on the standard,characteristics and even in scale.However,from the overview of the development of the whole provincial higher education,in terms of the educational system and on the standing point of educational trade,some important issues need to be considered.This article focuses on three subject matters concerning school orientation,school characteristics,and professional development; some ideas were put forward hoping to give some hints to private universities in Shaanxi.