密闭空间可燃气体爆炸一直是化工、石油、矿业、冶金等行业的重大灾害之一。由于可燃性气体燃料与空气混合物爆源具有能量密度小、爆源体积大、能量释放时间长等特点 ,所以点源强爆炸近似不再成立。文章从流体力学和化学反应动力学守恒方程出发 ,对管道内可燃气体爆燃进行了数值模拟 ,获得了不同时刻爆燃的压力场、温度场、密度场 ,讨论了可燃气体活性、组分以及管道长度对爆燃压力和压力上升速率的影响 ,为工程上防爆、抑爆、泄爆提供了理论基础和数据。
Combustible gas deflagrations in a closed place are always the big disaster in the chemical industry, petroleum industry, mining industry, and metallurgical industry. Since the explosion source from the mixture of combustible gas and air has the characteristics of small energy density, big volume of explosion source, and long time for energy discharge, etc. the strong explosion approximation of point source can't be applied. With the fluid mechanics and chemical reaction dynamics equations, the numerous simulation has been conducted for combustible gas deflagration in pipeline, and pressure field, temperature field and density field are obtained for the different deflagration time. According to the calculation results, and the influence of the activity and composition of combustible gas, and the length of pipeline on deflagration pressure and the rate of pressure rise is discussed. The theory foundation and calculation results can be applied in the design of deflagration prevention, suppression and venting for the engineering.
Natural Gas Industry
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 0 0 76 0 0 6 )。