根据 15例肾盂输尿管连接部 (U PJ)狭窄所致肾积水患者的病情采用不同腹腔镜肾盂成形术式 ,手术均获成功。手术时间 1.5~ 2 .5小时 ,平均 2小时。术中出血量 2 0~ 4 0 ml,无大出血和其他脏器损伤。术后第 2天患者可下床活动 ,平均住院 6天。术后 2个月复查 ,拔除输尿管双 J导管 ,患者原有肾区胀痛等症状消失。逆行肾盂造影 (RP)检查吻合口通畅 ,肾积水明显减轻。 7例半年后复查 ,肾积水基本消失 ,尿常规正常 ,肾盂尿 p H值均恢复正常。认为腹腔镜肾盂成形术是治疗 UPJ狭窄所致肾积水有效的微创手术方法 ,可适合于多种原因的肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻 (UPJO)
cases with ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction underwent la paroscopic pyeloplasty by different methods All the operations have been succ e ssful, the operating time being 1 5 to 2 5 hours and the blood loss 20 to 40 milliliters No other internal organs were injured patients were out of bed actively 2 days after operation Rechecked and pull out double 'J ' catheter 2 month after oper ation , the symptoms vanished It was showed by RP that the anastomosis site i n all the cases was smooth Laparoscopic pyeloplasty is an effective way to treat UPJ obstru ct ion with minimal trauma to the patient, it can be used to treat UPJO that caused by most reasons
Shandong Medical Journal