
社区可持续发展指标体系研究——以上海崇明为例 被引量:20

Community sustainable development indicator systems in China: a case study of Chongming County, Shanghai
摘要 本文探索了在专业人员指导下的小组参与方法建立符合中国国情的社区可持续发展指标体系。研究以上海崇明为例 ,分析了不同社会群体对可持续发展的认识和需求 ,比较了不同经济发展水平、不同社会背景和不同决策层面对可持续发展的不同关注点 ,提出由 4个核心指标、7个扩展指标和 5个附加指标构成的社区可持续发展指标体系 ,为其他地区制订可持续发展指标体系提供了参考 ,并有利于实施社区发展可持续性的评估。 This paper explores the community sustainable development indicator system which is established by means of group-based public participation under the guidence of professional personnel but conforms to the situation in China.Chongming County in Shanghai was taken as a case.An initial 'long list' of 86 indicators was identified based on previous indicator systems developed in China. This 'long list' was reduced via consultations with local scientists and government official from Shanghai City and Chongming County.This 'shortened list' of 17 indicators waiting for further community consultation involves 149 local authority officers, teachers, students (aged 12-14), farmers and workers.The outcomes showed obvious difference in the understanding of sustainable development among various sectors. By integrating data from these sectors it was possible to identify a system involving 4 cores and 7 additional indicators as the criteria to steer local sustainability. Compared with other local indicator systems in Europe and the UK, local people in Chongming showed the same interest concerning on environment but with a stronger desire for economic development. By using the sustainable indicators, the sustainability of community development in Chongming County was appraised during 1991-2000. And the results showed that in community level, Chongming had a general sustainable trend in that period. This study, involving the residents of Chongming County, has special significance in discussing development issues because it is a region with good environmental quality and weak economy and as such is typical in many rural areas of China.
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期484-494,共11页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 (70 0 73 0 0 8) 上海市哲学社会科学规划项目 (2 0 0 2BZH0 0 3 )
关键词 社区可持续发展 指标体系 公众参与 community sustainable development indicators public participation
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