高等继续教育是满足终身教育发展的一种教育形式。目前我国高等继续教育在价值取向和办学模式等诸多方面均存在着许多偏差和误区 ,继续教育的特点尚未充分凸显出来。在全面建设小康社会的历史阶段 ,高等继续教育赖以存在和运行的环境发生了空前的变化 ,缘此 ,高等继续教育应及时做出适应性乃至超前性的调整和应答 ,它既不能陷入学历教育的“泥潭”,也要避免“普教化”的误区 ,而是要勇敢地担负起大学后继续教育的“深加工”、“精加工”的历史使命和应尽的责任。
Higher continuing education is a form by which to realize life-long education. As there are at present a number of deviations and misunderstanding in matters such as orientation of value and mode of education-running, the features of continuing education have not been fully recognized. With consideration of the current situation, it is highly necessary to implement post-university continuing education.
Meitan Higher Education