科学研究是现代大学的三项传统职能之一 ,在 1 8~ 1 9世纪 ,由于种种主客观原因 ,在自然科学迅速发展的现代知识型背景下 ,由威廉·洪堡在德国的柏林大学提倡并形成制度化。洪堡的本意只是为了反对古代知识型 ,鼓励教师从事研究 ,要求教学与科研相统一 ,着眼点在于人类自身。但是 ,由于实证主义研究观在科学研究中取得了统治地位 ,科学化、定量化、精确化成为了一切学科研究和知识发展的标准和依据 ,忽视了社会知识、人文知识与自然知识的不同和差别。因而随着人们知识型的发展到了后现代知识型 ,人们必须对传统的大学科研职能进行反思和重建。
Scientific research is one of the three traditional functions of the modern university first promoted and institutionalized by Wilhelm Humboldt in Berlin University of Germany. What Humboldt aimed at was to oppose the ancient knowledge type, encourage the teaching faculty to engage in research in order to combine teaching with scientific research. The focus was then on the mankind himself. However, as the positivist attitude of research gained prominence, scientificness, quantitativeness and accurateness became the sole standards and basis for all scientific research and development of knowledge, thus ignoring the differences among knowledge of society, knowledge of humanities and knowledge of nature. Along with the development of postmodern knowledge type, it is important to reflect on the research function of the university.
Meitan Higher Education