探讨塔式起重机结构体系动态分析时激振载荷的确定方法。改变传统的二维建模、单向加载方式 ,根据塔机实际结构建立三维空间桁架模型 ,同时考虑吊重离地起升、变幅启动和回转启动的影响 ,在三维方向施加载荷 ,比只考虑离地起升和下降制动而把塔机结构简化为平面系统的计算更加符合实际。
The method of determination of the stimulating vibration load for dynamic analysis of tower crane′s structure system is discussed. Considered the effect of the hoisting, the derricking start and the slewing start at the same time, the stimulating vibration load are exerted in three-dimensions. It is more accord with practice then traditional method of single direction loading way.
Construction Mechanization