目的 :了解某部队医院心血管类药物应用现状和发展趋势。方法 :以限定日剂量法和消耗金额排序法对 1 999~ 2 0 0 1年该院心血管类药物消耗品种和金额进行归类统计 ,分析该类药物用药情况。结果 :该类药物费用上升较快 ;钙拮抗药、防治心绞痛药物和降压药等应用最多 ;临床应用以国产和合资生产品种为主。结论 :该类药物费用增加很快 。
Objective: To investigate the current situation and trend of clinical application of angiomyocardiac.Methods: The varieties and the sum of expenses in angiomyocardiac consumed in a certain hospital in the period of 1999 2001 were investigated and analyzed, and the prospects of clinical and application of drugs were analyzed with relevant reference data.Result: The varieties remained steady, but the sum of expenses rose rapidly in the period of 1999 2001, and the most used drugs were calcium channel blockers,angina pectoris and antihypertensive drugs. The staple drugs clinically used were mainly China made.Conclusion: The sum of expenses of angiomycardiac rose speedily, and therefore, the medication should be rationally administrated.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology