用石墨炉原子吸收法连续测定大气降水中的铜、铅、镉 3种重金属的含量。降水样品经酸化处理后 ,直接进行测定 ,Cu、Pb、Cd的检出限在 0 .18— 1.12 pg范围内 ,精密度 (RSD) <2 .5 % ,标准加入回收率在10 0 .8%— 10 6.0 % ,方法简便、快速、准确 ,已用于黄海与东海海域的大批降水样品的测定 。
A new method to determine Cu,Pb,Cd in atmospheric meteoric water by GAAS is reported.The acidized atmospheric meteoric water samples can be analyzed for the concentration of Cu,Pb and Cd by GAAS.The detection limits for the concentrations of Cu,Pb and Cd are in the range from 0.18pg to 1.12pg,the RSD is less than 2.5% with the recoveries in the range of 100.8% and 106.0%.The proposed method is simple,rapid and accurate.It has been applied to the mass analyses of meteoric water samples from coastal regions of yellow sea and the east china sea with satisfactory results.
Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory
山东省自然科学基金资助 ( Y2 0 0 0 E0 2)