通过对SARS患者临症观察和治疗中存在的棘手问题进行了探讨 ,就SARS的病机提出了热毒、正虚、血瘀、痰浊为主 ,病损在肺 ,同步殃及心、肾、脾胃等主要脏器 ;各期的主要病机为 :发热期以毒与热为主 ,喘憋期以瘀和浊为主 ,恢复期以正虚为主 ;治疗上明确了激素在发热期不用 ,喘憋加重期要足量使用 ,进入恢复期后 ,撤减激素时一定要谨慎 ;对恢复期的治疗。
The pathogenesis of SARS was mainly ascribed to heat-toxin, Zheng deficiency, blood stasis and phlegm-turbidity. The diseased region was located in lung and may involve heart, kidney, spleen and stomach. The chief pathogenesis of SARS at different stages was heat-toxin at feverish phase, phlegm-turbidity at asthma and dyspnea phase and Zheng deficiency at recovery phase respectively.The hormone couldn't be used during feverish phase, but enough hormone should be given at serious asthma and dyspnea phase. Withdrawal of hormone should be careful at recovery phase. The treatment at the recovery stage, pulmonary fibrosis and self-limited diseases were also discussed preliminarily.
Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
国家中医药管理局中西医结合治疗非典型肺炎临床研究特别专项课题 (国中医药科非典专项13号 )