成立于1998年的中国人民大学网络教育学院,是国内第一家完全采用Internet模式和完全学分制管理方式进行现代远程教育的办学机构,同时也是我国目前规模较大的网络教育学院之一。人大网院的教学模式一直是业界关注的焦点。今年正值人大网院成立五周年。人大网院迎来了她的首批毕业生,更取得了互联网教学模式的阶段性成果。五年的历程,人大网院经历了太多的变化, 但其办学理念和致力于信息时代在职人员教育的追求却始终如一。为深入探求人大网院的教学模式,我们采访了中国人民大学网络教育学院常务副院长顾宗连、副院长郝成义。
The network education college of Chinese People's University is founded in 1998, as one of the biggest network education colleges in china, which is the first one use complete Internet mode and credit system on modern distance education. Its education mode is always the focus of craft brothers. Its education idea and aim of workforce education in information time is not changed with five years experience and so many reformations. At the moment of five year's anniversary and first group of student's graduation, Chengyi Hao, vice dean in charge of education and education research, introduce Renda Network Education College's education mode and successful experience at length.
Chinese Journal of Distance Education